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PODCAST-This is Part Two of a two part interview with Ray “Izod” Lubesky of the Iron Order Motorcycle Club. Izod was one of the founding members of the Iron Order MC, one of the “first eight”, and the International President for many years. We dive deep into everything you need to know about this club. The Iron Order claims to be a law abiding club and I can find no credible evidence to the contrary. The Iron Order MC is not a Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club (LEMC) nor do they claim such. They do have law enforcement members along with many other walks of like. They don't claim criminal 1%er status and don't allow criminals in their club.
Some in the law abiding biker world believe the Iron Order may be on the edge and have concerns about what they stand for and what they portray online. There are more risky images & activities online from this club compared to other law abiding biker clubs you see. There are actual Facebook pages and other media that are dedicated to bashing the Iron Order MC and I don't see that with other law abiding biker clubs. I ask the tough questions in this interview and Izod has some great answers that may just change your mind if you have any concerns. You will definitely want to listen in on both podcast episodes dedicated to this interview. You won't hear interviews like this on any other motorcycle/biker podcast out there. You've found the #1 listened to Biker Podcast in the world!
The Iron Order is a very large international motorcycle club. Like all law abiding biker clubs should do, they refuse to follow the so called “Confederation of Clubs” (COC) unwritten rules, whom have no authority over free members of the motorcycling community.
Because the Iron Order MC wears a three piece patch, is not an LE club, they are out there, they have many large club houses, and refuse to submit to ridiculous unwritten criminal biker code, they may draw extra attention from bashers in the criminal biker world that humorously think the motorcycling majority cares what they have to say. Don't forget, there are other large non LE clubs out there like the Iron Order in many ways. Don't ever be ruled by any unauthorized organization or body. Motorcycling is about freedom and that trumps on the very freedom of this great country and the open road.
About the Iron Order MC (sent by Izod)
The Iron Order MC was started by a few hardcore bikers in a garage on July 4, 2004. It is fitting that our club anniversary is celebrated on the same day as our great country's Independence Day since our club is totally independent and beholden to none, to follow our own destiny truly free from all other's rules and protocols. These bikers came from different backgrounds and walks of life. They had a desire to share brotherhood and socialize together as a group of men sharing a like mindset with an iron resolve to have a club of their own under no one's control or direction. That is how the IOMC was started and how it is today. This is the heritage of the IOMC. We refuse to be dictated to by anyone as to who we have as members, where we can have chapters, what we can wear, where we can go, or what we can do.
We have learned many things about the MC world over the past years. We respect all clubs and support those that support us. We are independent and choose to mind our own business. We started that way and we continue that way.
We run our club by the very same MC traditions established over 50 years ago by the motorcycle clubs. We are not 1%ers. We are not a HOG chapter or a riding club. We are a three piece patch MC. We have chapters in many states. We have a strong brotherhood between all chapters.
We are independent therefore we do not belong to any associations. We have our own clubhouses, we have the same probationary and hang around traditions that MC's established many years ago and we stand together as brothers in our club.
Those who ride with us, party with us, or know us, know we are bikers. Some have chosen a different road because we do not waiver from our core values. We ride, party and mind our own business. We do not create problems for our community or fellow bikers. We participate in charities that we feel benefit our communities and we support our own. We are veterans, active duty military, construction workers, truck drivers, businessmen, cops, Feds, cooks and any other occupation you can think of. We are about motorcycles, brotherhood and enjoying the biker lifestyle. Our own way by our own rules.
We are what we say we are; nothing more or nothing less. If you are law abiding, desire strong brotherhood and riding a motorcycle is not a solo event, maybe we are for you. If you are looking for something other than what we stand for then we are not for you. We are constantly asked… What is the IOMC? Read everything on our website and on our chapter websites. Come by and meet us then you decide for yourself what the IOMC is and if we are for you.
Very good interview. Would like you learn more
Excellent interview! Would like to learn more about Iron Order and law abiding clubs.
Loved these interviews! Excellent job as always Mr. Urlacher! This is a very curious topic to me – i.e., Law Abiding MC Clubs. This is what initially attracted me to this podcast, to learn exactly what that means.
Ok, my first question is -after watching the Bob Saget clip on YouTube- how many of these guys are sober riding a motorcycle?? The first thing that struck me is the glorification of alcohol. On the podcast, Izod even commented that the cop that infiltrated the club only learned that they drank a lot and needed to recycle.
Nothing about this is cool to me? Alcohol+Guns+Motorcycles does not seem like a good idea. I go on the FB page of Iron Order MC Fan Club and it is filled with memorials of deceased brothers. I am sure that not all have passed due to drinking or being shot mind you…
I am just very curious of how these things co-exist. What say you?
Thanks for taking the time to comment brother. As always I try to stay neutral and go with the facts and information I have at a given time.
So, my stance is that no matter what one’s personal opinions are about drinking alcohol or their particular definition is of drinking “in excess” it is not against the law in any way shape or form.
Many law abiding bikers love to unwind and they may choose to do that with alcohol, which is a legal substance as is marijuana now in some states, such as here in Washington. I have seen Judges, Doctors, Attorneys, Truck Drivers and you name it drink more than I personally choose to. But it is not agains the law and a personal decision.
I just simply don’t have any evidence that shows they are drunk and riding their bikes and I think that would be an unfortunate assumption. If we heard about a ton of IO getting arrested or fatalities due to alcohol then I think we could dive into that. The fact is that there is no evidence of such that I can find.
So, I find nothing to indicate at this point that they are not law abiding bikers. Just some bikers may not agree with drinking too much etc. But, drinking is not exclusive to this law abiding biker club or any other club or profession.
And don’t forget the IO is a very large club and I certainly don’t think they all choose to drink alcohol. That is an individual decision.
My thoughts brother.
Thanks for the reply. Good points and all true!
I will continue to listen and contemplate the points presented.
I sincerely hope that more law abiding clubs step forward to do interviews.
Definitely Pete. Gunfighters MC is scheduling now.
We have done several other clubs in the past.
Here is a link to a page where all our club interviews are at: w.lawabidingbiker.com/clubs
God Bless and Ride Safe Pete
Thanks HTRN! will check them all out and await the Gunfighters! keep up the great work!
Great deal Pete….enjoy and ride safe brother.
Thank you Pete Yuckly, good observations and thanks for the chance to answer your concerns. It is forbidden in our bylaws to ride intoxicated. It is clearly stated a brother will be put out in bad if he refuses to turn over his keys to his bike when requested due to intoxication. It is the responsibility of all brothers present to make sure the intoxicated brother gets home safely and his bike is secured and brought to his home. Any brother who allows another brother to ride intoxicated is subject to the same punishment. The same is true with firearms. WE DON’T FOOL AROUND with our brother’s safety which is why we conduct bike inspections for proper operating standards on a regular basis.
The brothers in the Eternal Chapter passed away for many reasons but none were shot by someone else. About 25 were killed in wrecks and half of those wrecks were caused by drunk drivers in cages killing not only our brothers but also a Maiden who was on the back. The reason brothers are killed by drunk drivers in cages is because unfortunately we are on our bikes late at night when drunks are on the road. Several wrecks were due to poor road conditions like one who hit a terrible pot hole and cartwheeled and another hitting uneven pavement in a construction zone, a couple who ran onto soft shoulder and cartwheeled, and one coming to a crest of a blind hill. About 5 of those 25 were vehicles who hit brothers after they were already in a minor
accident which is something we have found to be a serious concern to motorcyclists everywhere. Once you’re in an accident it is imperative to get off the road asap because other vehicles coming up on the accident cannot see you on the ground especially at night.
To the comment of glorification of alcohol I can only say that is your subjective description. We have many brothers who do not drink alcohol. If a brother develops an alcohol problem he is required to enroll in a bonafide program to get well and is required to show proof he is attending his meetings and doing what he is required to do. He is not allowed to drink at any club function or in the presence of any brother at any time. We have a network of counselors and ex-alcoholics within our own club who add to the rehabilitation and support of brothers with problems. We do drink allot of alcohol but we do everything possible to do it responsibly. We know a rider who is impaired riding in a pack endangers the entire pack so we don’t play around with this issue for any reason. Having said that we are not perfect and mistakes happen no doubt.
Cancer and heart disease are the next biggest killer of our brothers. Young brothers have passed away from cancer and so have many Maidens.
Thanks for getting involved in the discussion Izod. It is great content, so we can all learn from each other in the law abiding biker community.
I would love to hear the history of the iron rockets! When they first came out, who where the first ones…etc.
Great question and certainly material for a future podcast. Maybe Izod will chime in on the conversation and give some insight.
The Iron Rockets was an idea from Qball and myself. We tried to start it once in 2009 but couldn’t get the right Iron Order brothers to found it or the right Sport Bike riders as brothers.. In early 2010 we had a change in leadership of the Iron Order which is when I became the International President and Qball became International Vice President. We dedicated the resources to focus on founding the Rockets and getting it off the ground the right way with the right brothers. The idea was totally new to the MC world like most of our ideas, to have a totally equal sport bike club comprised of brothers not a support club that is subservient or less than our totally equal brothers with the same bylaws and brotherhood. We started with the first chapter in Louisville Kentucky where our mother chapter for the Iron Order was. It started off slowly but by the end of 2011 we had 9 chapters and the end of 2012 we had 17 chapters. We had 48 chapters by the end of 2014. We share the same clubhouses, same parties, same events and we ride together. We also have separate events and rides but everyone within the two clubs is welcome to every event as equals and brothers. We also support each other and stand together, shoulder to shoulder, boot to boot as brothers.
What does it say about this guy and this club that Izod got voted out of the presidency and has since broken away from the club to form “Iron Legacy?”
The rhetoric in this episode from the interviewer and interviewee is just useless to the overall discussion. About as “fair and balanced” as fox news for sure lol
Get out and get some riding in!! It’ll relieve your stress bro. Totally aware of the Iron Legacy break off and what is going on. Thanks for listening.
It’s funny you say that Brian because I had just gotten off my bike when i wrote that, i actually pulled into a gas station to weigh in because the interview was dripping with so much rhetoric it was nauseating. The same rhetoric, i might add, that you gave Lisa Ling and the Mongols documentary so much shit for.
It’s funny that you think someone has to be stressed to have a dissenting opinion though lol. It seems to me like you may have a mind geared towards that sort of thought process anyway.
Also, is it my browser that’s not letting me see my original post or was it taken down? I know you’re not cencoring dissent, right? Especially with all you talk about the constitution.
I gues I’ll just stick to your non-opinion podcasts from now on and hopefully that’ll keep me from having anything to say apart from GREAT PODCAST I LOVED IT SO MUCH YOU’RE MY HERO.
Yah, we don’t allow foul language etc on the website comments brother. That is for the basement bloggers to put on their low viewed websites with no moderation. Sorry bro, we have no problem publisihing comments with dissenting opinions as long as actual “evidence” and some sort of “factual” basis can be presented in an educated manner. Not just bad talking (ranting) about a show etc. Comments like those lead to nowhere……….That is how our website will always differ from trashy sites. We will not allow it to become trashy. I hope you understand and we appreciate you being involved! Ride safe and much respect.
Also, comments from bikers that actually put their real name and info are obviously taken more seriously. We think if someone has an opinion and backs it 100% then let people now who you are brother.
Yeah no foul language in my post there guy. But clearly trying to marginalize a dissenting voice as belonging to basement bloggers and trash sites only speaks to the rhetoric that i commented on in the first place.
Secondly, I only created a username here to comment on this issue, not tell my life story. I stand by what i say but as a veteran who worked in the security sectory while i was active duty im more into infosec than to just give up all my personal info, especially in an environment like this. Same reason you are always talking about “not revealing which agencies we work for.”
Lastly, these comments DO serve a purpose. The biggest of which is to hold you to a higher standard of reporting. Mid-level podcast or not, you should expect some criticism of your interviewing when its lacking or softballing it. Like i said, you came at this interview with the same naive approach and frontloaded rhetoric that Lisa Ling did with the Mongols.
I personally have no stake or vested interest in any club or organization and couldnt be happier being an independent. And to be honest, i dont contribute to this “patreon” deal youve got going so im sure its nothing to lose one guy here and there so no worries either way.
So if you’re done dancing around with this basement blogger bs and trash pages, maybe you can adress the initial issue of rhetoric and what this club has become. Just my two cents and no skin off my back either way bud.
I can see your passionate unknown name guy. Stay tuned and we’ll continue to report the facts backed by evidence. Good or bad on the IO or Mongols. Ride safe.
Lol no doubt
Looking into Iron Legacy now as a matter of fact.
I read through some court evidence this guy was testifying in. He talks about beating people up and going after certain clubs….. Definitely gives mixed signals.