Self-Defense-Iron Order Motorcycle Club member Derrick “Kong” Duran has been cleared of any wrongdoing in the fatal shooting of Mongols MC member Victor “Nubs” Mendoza that occurred on January 30, 2016 at the Motorcycle Expo at the National Western Complex in Denver, Colorado. Many articles & bloggers want to note that Duran is a corrections department employee. If we are going to note Duran's employment affiliation, then we might as well clearly note that Mendoza was a full patch member of the Mongols MC, a clearly recognized outlaw motorcycle gang (OMG) with convicted felons as members.
As I have stated many times, I have no affiliation with either of the motorcycle clubs involved, neither the Iron Order MC nor the Mongols MC. I have never personally experienced a problem with members of either club. Instead, I rely on facts and the appropriate criminal investigation. The basement bloggers will continue their rants of ridiculous conspiracy theories to fit their agendas. Of course, they have zero evidence of such to present when asked.
Listen to our Law Abiding Biker Podcast Episode #101 on this incident:
The Denver Police Department spent hundreds of hours on this detailed criminal investigation. On Monday, it was turned over to the Denver District Attorney's Office, said Denver Police Commander Ron Saunier, as a first-degree murder case. The DA's Office revealed in a press release that both Duran and Mendoza fired shots. A confrontation occurred between the Iron Order and the Mongols. At some point, Duran fired the first shot, which injured one person. Mendoza then fired his pistol at Duran, grazing his torso and striking another man standing behind Duran. At this point, Duran fired back at Mendoza, killing him.
The official press release from the DA's Office dated April 19, 2016 says, “The case was presented for consideration of charges yesterday, and the legal review concluded that there is no likelihood of a conviction due to the self-defense claim of Mr. Duran.”
The DA's Office said four people were hit by gunfire, two people were victims of assault and one person was stabbed during this incident. Commander Saunier said about 40 witnesses were interviewed at the scene and 17 of those were with the Iron Order MC. So, that means 23 of those witnesses were completely independent bystanders. Saunier said, “We have considered this a homicide investigation throughout. I believe we have done a complete and thorough investigation.”
Note: Fatal shootings are investigated as a homicide from the ground up by law enforcement in the U.S. and are taken very seriously when it comes to overall efforts. The self-defense or “justifiable homicide” prong can later be investigated and a DA can clear an individual as happened in this case. Clearly, there was a lack of evidence and any credible witnesses to move forward with any possible charges. Nothing here is out of the ordinary of how any fatal shooting investigation is handled by law enforcement and a DA's Office. This is standard procedure.
As usual, the Mongols MC did not cooperate with the investigation whatsoever, which will never help in any investigation of this nature. The Iron Order on the other hand completely cooperated with the investigation. This seems to be commonplace in other incidents that have occurred between the Iron Order MC and outlaw motorcycle clubs or smaller puppet clubs of OMG clubs.

Attorney Stephen Stubbs & 2 Mongols MC members trying to drum up public support in the wake of the Denver, Colorado shooting involving the Iron Order MC
During the investigation, Stephen Stubbs, attorney for the Mongols, was ranting and trying to drum up public support for the criminal biker club on multiple social media platforms. He even made a ridiculous YouTube video trying to gain support. Don't forget his press conference asking for witnesses to speak to police and defend the Mongols. However, Mongol members we're not cooperating, but asking others to do so? Clearly, none of it worked and when witnesses and/or victims don't cooperate with criminal police investigations then you can't expect that the case will end up going anywhere. We haven't heard much from Stubbs since and it seems he ran out of steam.
John Whitfield, an Attorney and member of the Iron Order, said all along that it was the Mongols who started the fight by jumping three outnumbered Iron Order members.
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives said in a 2014 report that the Iron Order’s patch “has infuriated” members of several outlaw groups, including the Hells Angels, Iron Horsemen, Pagans and Bandidos. Back-and-forth beatings ensued.
The Iron Order MC claims law abiding biker status and through all our research we can't find any evidence to the contrary at this point. As mentioned many times here at Law Abiding Biker Media, the Iron Order is not a law enforcement motorcycle club (LEMC) or “cop club”, nor to they claim such. They have members from all walks of life. The Iron Order seems to be aware it has serious public perception issues for certain at this point and we'll see what happens from here. We have to stay with the facts here and realize that perception is not factual, but it can be problematic.
Make note that here at Law Abiding Biker™ we have never reported that every single biker in every criminal outlaw motorcycle gang, such as the Mongols MC, is committing daily criminal acts. That would make us like the basement bloggers to assume and place broad stereo-types. However, it is fact based on history and evidence that there are factions within outlaw 1%er clubs that are committing and continue to commit criminal acts to include murder, assault, extortion, racketeering, robbery, & drug trafficking just to name a few. And it is tolerated within the clubs and many look the other way.
I am stating facts about the Mongols MC and what can be learned by your own simple internet searches. The Mongols MC is clearly labeled an OMG by the Federal Government. They proudly claim that they are a 1%er outlaw motorcycle gang by wearing the patch. Taken from the homepage of their own official website proudly telling the world they claim 1%er status and are the “baddest”.
Brotherhood and Biking for over 40 years. We are the MONGOLS MC, the Best of the Best! The baddest 1%er Motorcycle Club known worldwide.
Many members of Mongols MC members are serving time in prison for things such as murder, assault, extortion, racketeering, robbery, & drug trafficking, just to name a few. And Mongol MC members and other criminal outlaw club members continue to be arrested for an array of crimes. I have found no evidence that this is true for the Iron Order MC at this point.
Recent Podcast Episode we did on the Lisa Ling CNN Mongol MC Special:
Related Articles, Podcasts, and Helpful Information: (Be Informed)
- Read Original Colorado Biker Shooting Article for details and many resources
- Iron Order MC & Mongols MC Colorado Biker Club Shooting-Controversy & Truths-Educate Yourself
- LAB-63-Justifiable Homicide Ruling for Biker in Jacksonville Beach, FL @ Nippers Beach Grille Shooting
- Podcast #78-Waco, TX Biker Gang Shooting-The TruthsD
I’ve never encountered a member of either club. I ride alone and like it that way. That being said, if one is to look through the news and read these stories where Iron Order and other MC’s are involved you notice some basic patterns.
1%ers don’t like the Iron Order wearing a three piece patch (big deal)
1%ers are upset the Iron Order didn’t ask for “permission” to wear said patch or to start a chapter (so outlaws only care for rules if they believe they’re the ones making them?)
1%ers and their supporters won’t talk to cops about anything yet they freak out when the results of an investigation doesn’t go their way. Well how could it if the cops only get one side of the damned story.
Thank you for taking the time to share your input. You make valid points. Ride Safe & Ride Often!
Thank you for the continued unbiased reporting. Thankfully there us this site to report a balanced, fair accounting. The “basement blogger” (I will not mention his name as that would constitute advertising and he doesn’t deserve anyone helping him) would have you think members of IOMC just run around picking fights with 1% clubs and LE look the other way. The fact is guys like the Mongols members go around intimidating anyone and everyone including LE MC’S it is refreshing to see someone stand up to that world. Every indy rider like me should be grateful to the IOMC for standing up, I wish there were a chapter near my hometown
We aim to report fairly and balanced. We will report the facts as they are. Thank you for taking the time to comment. Ride Safe & Ride Often! ~Lurch
I know exactly who you’re referring to and I used to be a regular reader of his work. This unnamed individual seems to see the IO under his bed at night and aroubd every corner.
The irony is the IO seem to operate in the very same fashion as he likes to promote, as “outlaws”. Yet he twists himself into knots whenever they make the news.
As a retired Law Enforcement Officer from California, now enjoying retirement in Nevada, I choose to ride alone, or with a few friends when the opportunity arises. I have friends that are members of the Iron Order and they are truly law abiding individuals. While I choose not to pass judgement on others, I cannot understand why clubs decide to wear 3-piece patches that resemble 1% clubs. Common sense should tell you that trouble is on the way if you do. Same goes for attending functions and patronizing establishments where 1% are known to frequent. I simply don’t get it. Oh well, to each their own I guess.
Ride free and safe my brothers!
I hear what you’re saying. We chose to wear a 3 piece patch because that is the traditional way to represent your club. Club name, club symbol, and club location. The 1% thinks it’s their own and a law abiding club can’t wear a three piece patch. No disrespect but this is American and a man should be able to wear what he wants. With that said our club avoids events and establishments where 1% clubs hang out. That’s our choice. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts. Ride Safe & Ride Often! ~Lurch