EVENT/FUNDRAISER-The Iron Order Motorcycle Club (MC) has raised much money to help fight ALS and is at it again in 2015 in a big way! Join them in the fight to find treatments and a cure. ALS has struck their club in a very personal way. I know that law abiding bikers are the most giving people on the face of this planet. Let's all come together and support the Iron Order MC in their mission to raise money. This is how the law abiding biker community rolls…….
A.L.S. stands for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis or sometimes called Lou Gehrig's disease. It is a neurological disorder that attacks the motor neurons that enable communication between the brain and control of a person's voluntary muscles. No one knows the cause of ALS. There are many researchers with different theories. There is no cure. In 50% of people the average life span is 3-5 years after diagnosis. Only 8% live over [Read more…]