Congratulations! You have landed on the #1 most popular and best-selling Harley-Davidson Ride Planner & Trip Planning Tutorial Video available! The positive feedback from our customers over the years has been overwhelming and I thank all of you!
This is the most thorough step-by-step tutorial video on how to use the most current version of the Harley-Davidson online Ride Planner software & powerful smartphone application. Harley-Davidson Ride Planner is an awesome free online tool and app to plan all your motorcycle trips. Anyone can sign up on the Harley-Davidson website and create a free Ride Planner account with a simple username and password.
Harley Boom Box video line-up in the order you should watch!
- Complete Harley Davidson “Boom Box” Infotainment System GPS Stereo Tutorial
- Harley-Davidson Boom Box Infotainment Software, GPS World Maps, & Dealer Locations Update Tutorial
- Complete Harley Davidson Ride Planner & GPS Guide
If you haven’t used the free Harley-Davidson Ride Planner online software to route and map your next motorcycle ride, we strongly suggest you start and this is the best place to do so online.
We here at Law Abiding Biker Media, Inc. use the Harley Ride Planner to its fullest capabilities to map all our short and long motorcycle trips. Within Ride Planner is a community of riders and it allows me to look at other trips that users have created and the ability for me to share my rides with others. I can even incorporate other riders shared rides right into my own ride.
You can also plan and route a ride and then email it to a friend or easily share it on social media platforms. Those that want to can then store the shared ride plan in their own Harley-Davidson Ride Planner account or even upload it to their own supported GPS unit. So, it is more than just a tool to map and route your next motorcycle ride.
In this Ride Planner tutorial video, I teach you everything you need to know based on my many years of experience using it. You’ll learn to be a master user of the online Ride Planner Software and of the Ride Planner smartphone application. They are both powerful and full of rich features.
There is much to know within the online Ride Planner software and smartphone app and I have taken much time to figure it all out for you. Once you watch this video, you will certainly feel comfortable using Harley Ride Planner to map out your next motorcycle trip.
I start with the basics, so if you don’t consider yourself really “tech savvy” then have no worries. I teach you how to plan a complete motorcycle ride from scratch and then how to upload it to your Harley-Davidson supported external GPS device or directly into the integrated Harley-Davidson Boom!™ Box Infotainment System. I utilize quality HD screen recordings of my desktop computer & smartphone, so it is like you are right with me.
It doesn’t matter if you are using MAC or PC, IOS or Android, as Harley Ride Planner supports them all! I’ve got you covered in this tutorial.
Further, I will show you even the most advanced features if you are so inclined to use them. I also teach you how to work around a few minor Ride Planner bugs and glitches to make your ride planning even easier.
Included with the purchase of this video: I send out updated tutorials as major things change or are updated with the Boom!™ Box system. You will get these free updates as part of my commitment to you.
You will learn how to route a trip, create waypoints, name waypoints, make notes, check distance, check ride time, check weather, preview a ride, manipulate routes and roads, manipulate waypoints, delete waypoints, find other users routed rides, incorporate them into your ride plan, share rides, save rides, bookmark rides, record rides, find dealerships, find restaurants, find gas stations, find events, download rides, upload rides into supported GPS devices or Boom Box, learn my pro tips and tricks, and everything else in between. Harley Ride Planner has a solid user interface and I am here to show you how to use it to its fullest capabilities in this easy to understand video.
Once we create a ride plan, I then teach you how to easily get it from your desktop or laptop computer onto your Harley supported external GPS device or onto your integrated Harley-Davidson Boom Box Infotainment System. Once the planned trip is on your device, you are ready to go. You can store multiple rides on your device, so you are ready to ride for the year.
We go from a desktop computer & smartphone application screen recordings and then straight to a recording while sitting on my Harley Davidson motorcycle. I show you how to upload your ride plans directly into the Harley Davidson Boom Box Infotainment System. I show you additional tips, tricks, and secrets on how to best manage your ride directly from you Boom Box Infotainment System.
So, stop worrying about using this awesome free online tool & start using it. Every motorcycle rider should be using this to plan and route all their motorcycle trips. Let’s all share our awesome rides we create by getting involved with the Harley Ride Planner community!
Next videos you should consider:
- Harley Davidson “Boom Box” Infotainment System GPS Stereo Tutorial
- Boom!™ Box System Software, GPS World Maps, & Dealer Locations Update Video
See Other Useful For Purchase Videos Here!
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Hi, I just purchased and watched the video. We have a 2018 HD Trike and iPhones. I was hoping the video would help with some routing issues I have seen with my setup. I noticed the HD website and app have been updated from what is in this video.
1) I found out that if I have a complicated ride that is for a few hours, I should use waypoints and not locations to make sure that all of the route is displayed when I transfer the route to the Trike. Otherwise, I have to stop the Trike and start a new route to the next Waypoint/Location. Locations should be specific places where the motorcycle will be stopped.
2) I did not see how to address the issue I have with my Trike. I planned a route with sequential waypoints, but the Trike seemed like it wanted to go backwards to the beginning instead of continuing on. I noticed you mentioned a work around for that, i.e., Skip Waypoint. That would not help with Waypoint 1 (point 3).
3) I was in a no cell starting point so I started the ride close to waypoint 1. I think that is why issue 2 above occurred. Since I can’t skip waypoint 1, is there a way to tell the HD navigation to continue the route from where I am at?
4) Do you have a video of what the HD Navigation on the motorcycle does with our routes. They show up differently than expected. At least for me, over 50% of the time.