I am writing this article completely independent as a long time law abiding biker and in reference to the bad information being reported about the recent biker shooting and stabbing January 30, 2016 at the Motorcycle Expo at the National Western Complex in Denver, Colorado.
I am not corrupted or influenced by any special interest groups like the mainstream media and other basement bloggers clearly are. The mainstream media are not bikers and know nothing about the biker community, which is why they will never report correctly on biker incidents like this. They are printing what they are being fed by special interest groups within the motorcycle community & are being manipulated like puppets, which is common.
I have no affiliation with either of the motorcycle clubs involved, neither the Iron Order MC nor the Mongols MC. I have never personally experienced a problem with members of either club. I am not here to speculate or purposely target either motorcycle club. With integrity, I will report the truths and facts & let the appropriate criminal investigation of the incident play out.
The Iron Order Motorcycle Club is NOT a law enforcement motorcycle club or “cop club” as so many want to call it to justify their childish conspiracy hallucinations and false theories. The fact is, that a very small overall number of the Iron Order's membership are Law Enforcement Officers (LEO's). The real truth is that the Iron Order MC is made up of carpenters, truck drivers, dentists, lawyers, doctors, and military personnel, just to name a few. And yes, some LEO's.
So, why are we not calling the Iron Order MC a “doctor club”, “carpenter club”, or a “veteran's club” when more of those type of members exist. I'll tell you why-because it is not “sexy” for the basement bloggers and traditional media to call it something else. If they call it a “truck driver” club then it will quickly defeat their agenda and conspiracy rants about police and government conspiracy. They couldn't fuel headlines like “cop club shoots Mongol” if they called it a “dentist club”. “Cop club” sounds “sexy” doesn't it?
Clearly our society is overwhelmed with information and to be quite honest (not trying to offend any particular career), if the mainstream media and basement bloggers ran headlines reading “truck driver club shoots Mongol” a very small percentage of people would be interested. It is so much more sexy to call the Iron Order a “cop club” and it sells commercial spots. It's about money like usual and what will draw readers.
If you are going to call the Iron Order a “cop club” then you better be ready to call the Combat Veteran’s United MC (used as an example only) a “cop club” also, because they have both combat veterans and LEO's within their ranks. There are many LEO's that are also combat veterans.
Some time back, I interviewed Ray “Izod” Lubesky on the Law Abiding Biker™ Podcast , who was long time International President of the Iron Order. He explained the diverse backgrounds of the members within the Iron Order MC & how very few are LEO's. He also spoke of the fact that the Iron Order MC screens it's members for felony convictions, which would not allow a biker to become a member within the club. Further, he spoke of the very large number of members the Iron Order MC has and that many in the outlaw biker community don't agree with the fact that they are wearing a three piece patch in particular areas and not asking permission of outlaw motorcycle gangs (OMG's). Because of this, the Iron Order MC has experienced problems with many OMG's, who have confronted them over the years.
Many are talking out of both sides of their mouth. First they say the Iron Order is a “cop club” and then turn around and say it is an “outlaw motorcycle gang”. The Federal Government has not labeled the Iron Order MC as an OMG. That is heavily due to the fact that their members are not being arrested under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO). I searched far and wide and can't find articles of Iron Order members being arrested for RICO crimes and serious felonies like so many OMG members are, such as the Mongols MC. Please do your own internet searches for arrests and see what you find.
Listen to Podcast Episodes 64 & 65 with Ray Lubesky:
- #64-PT 1-Iron Order Motorcycle Club-Official Podcast Interrogation
- #65-PT 2-Iron Order Motorcycle Club-Official Podcast Interrogation
I am not defending the Iron Order MC in any way at this point. Absolutely nobody else knows at this point exactly what happened during the Colorado incident unless you were directly involved or witnessed it first hand. And even then, things happen fast and there will be conflicting stories among witnesses and certainly among participants.
Note: Let’s not forget another senseless event we reported on in Podcast Episode #63. On June 26, 2014 at 8:00 PM Iron Order MC member Kristopher Stone was forced to shoot criminal outlaw biker Zachariah Tipton after he and another Black Pistons member stalked him & then committed a brutal two on one gang-style assault on him outside Nippers Beach Grille in Jacksonville Beach, Florida. Based on the overwhelming evidence & video footage, the State Attorney stated that Stone was well within the law to defend his life from the brutal attack. Even with all the evidence in the open, basement bloggers still rant that it was a government conspiracy.
We also reported about a biker shooting that occurred on February 28, 2015 in Meridian Mississippi at Echo Lounge. Some limited information was out that it was an altercation between the Iron Order Motorcycle Club and either the Pistoleros MC and/or the Bandidos MC. The Pistoleros MC is a puppet club for the Bandidos. No arrests have been made to my knowledge and I have reason to believe it is still an active case.
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives said in a 2014 report that the Iron Order's patch “has infuriated” members of several outlaw groups, including the Hells Angels, Iron Horsemen, Pagans and Bandidos. Back-and-forth beatings ensued.
Make note that here at Law Abiding Biker™ we have never reported that every single biker in every criminal outlaw motorcycle gang, such as the Mongols MC, is committing daily criminal acts. That would make us like the basement bloggers to assume and place broad stereo-types. However, it is fact based on history and evidence that there are factions within outlaw 1%er clubs that are committing and continue to commit criminal acts to include murder, assault, extortion, racketeering, robbery, & drug trafficking just to name a few. And it is tolerated within the clubs and many look the other way.
Again, I am making no determination at this point about who started or is responsible for the Colorado biker altercation. I am stating facts about the Mongols MC and what can be learned by your own simple internet searches. The Mongols MC is clearly labeled an OMG by the Federal Government. They proudly claim that they are a 1%er outlaw motorcycle gang by wearing the patch. Taken from the homepage of their own official website proudly telling the world they claim 1%er status and are the “baddest”.
Brotherhood and Biking for over 40 years. We are the MONGOLS MC, the Best of the Best! The baddest 1%er Motorcycle Club known worldwide.
Many members of Mongols MC members are serving time in prison for things such as murder, assault, extortion, racketeering, robbery, & drug trafficking, just to name a few. And Mongol MC members and other criminal outlaw club members continue to be arrested for an array of crimes. I have found no evidence that this is true for the Iron Order MC at this point.
It makes sense that if you are going to call the Iron Order a “cop club” then let's all call the Mongols MC a “veteran's club”, because they have a large portion of their members that are military veterans. But, then we would have to call the Iron Order a “veteran's club”, because they have a large number of military veterans among their ranks too. Then we would all be so confused…….I've made my point.
Recent Podcast Episode we did on the Lisa Ling CNN Mongol MC Special:

Iron Order member after the biker brawl inside the facility. This picture proves nothing except what we already know. Yes, shots were fired. The reason behind those shots is what will be investigated. It may be a “self defense”, but we don't yet know. Many law abiding citizens & bikers legally carry firearms.
Update on the Colorado Biker Shooting:
Authorities on Monday identified the 46-year-old Mongol MC member shot and killed as Victor Mendoza. An attorney for the Mongols said he was a member of the club. Several guns have been recovered, but no arrests have been made. Seven men were injured in the fight; three remain in critical condition.
Denver police Cmdr. Ron Saunier said the battle started as an argument at the bottom of a stairwell and quickly escalated. Investigators are still unsure what the fight was about.
John C. Whitfield, a lawyer for Iron Order, said the group is despised by counterparts. Their three-piece patch, their law enforcement membership and their club colors are points of contention.
“When you start wearing patches like the three-piece patch, even if you wear a certain color, it can make some of these 1 percent clubs unhappy,” Whitfield said. “Because of that we are always getting poked and tweaked. It has led to some altercations.”
Typically, new MC clubs are expected to ask permission from outlaws like the Mongols MC before using certain insignias. Whitfield says the Iron Order has not followed that unwritten rule.
The Iron Order says a Colorado Department of Corrections officer fired a shot during the expo brawl, and the DOC confirmed Monday evening that employee Derrick Duran was involved.
A ton of law abiding biker clubs wear a three-piece patch on the back of their vest and will continue. The days of having to ask permission to wear a patch are long gone and really juvenile when you actually think about it. That bad part of biker history is fading away and for the best. Law Abiding Bikers are the motorcycling majority and 99% of all bikers out on the roads & it is a free country, so do as you please!
So, quit listening to all the rumors and get out there and ride Bikaholics! Let the investigation on the Colorado biker shooting take it's proper course.
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Thanks for this Ryan. With your permission I’d like to share this among my readers and colleagues. Whenever something like this happens ( too often) the media, fueled by the uninformed bloggers, and anti law enforcement magpies start generating and endless narrative of disinformation. Law Enforcement remains quiet while they gather information, evidence, and facts. You article serves to fill the void that is too often occupied by the impatient with little regard for the actual truth…………….which takes time.
Thanks Pablo for commenting and getting involved in the discussion. Absolutely brother, share with as many as you can. Us law abiding bikers must get the truth out to the community. We are the motorcycling majority out on the roads, the 99%ers
Yesterday members of OMG clubs formed a protest at the Colorado State Capitol demanding justice for the Mongol that was killed at the motorcycle expo in Denver. Ironic, because the Mongols fled the scene, they refused to cooperate with the investigation, give statements or assist in any way and were in fact total assholes to cops on scene. So, the investigators only get witness accounts and Iron Order accounts, the Mongols are silent. So how in the sam hell do they expect justice if they don’t cooperate? The investigation is incomplete. I would bet the DA wouldn’t take charges if the case was presented to them without cooperation from the “victim’s”. Just my take!
Definitely well said and well though out Coyote………Basic common sense for most. It’s pretty ridiculous.
I think the main point of contention with the IOMC is that the LEOs involved seem to want it both ways in instances like this. There is no gray area when an off duty LEO is a member of a club in which a fellow member fatally shoots someone in another club. Innocent club guys in WACO found themselves in jail for months without being formally charged in some cases – and it’s worth noting that none of them were members of the IO. If they had been, we would have seen them escorted onto a bus without handcuffs & then later set free, as was the case in Denver. The IOMC might be the main point of focus here, but they are far from the only example of LEO “clubs” blurring the lines they so vehemently enforce while they are in uniform.
Although we appreciate you commenting, you must come to this forum with facts to back comments Tim. We like discussion, but we are not basement bloggers and very public with our content. One must have some evidence to present for an argument. You say many things that can’t be verified yet. You say “fatally shot” as if that person is already convicted. I know people and veterans that have “fatally shot” someone in self defense. Just what if it were self-defense? Do you want to defend yourself is your life was in danger, well of course. You really need to wait for the evidence and actual facts brother. Ride safe
Thanks Ryan! I have been seeing a lot of disinformation floating around Facebook, some of it on LEMC pages. It has always been my experience that the IOMC not only support Law Enforcement but cooperate fully in incidents like this. To look at them as the “bad guys” and the Mongols as the victims doesn’t make much sense to me, especially coming from other LEO’s. Let the police finish their investigation before you pass judgement. Killswitch out!
Good to see you in the conversation Don. You’re correct, from all the research we have done, the Iron Order fully cooperates with investigations the police are conducting. That is completely different than the criminal outlaw motorcycle gangs (OMG’s) that have obstructed investigations etc…And that if factual with proof. Usually, if you don’t cooperate with a police investigation then you have something to hide. Hope you and the wife are well brother. As a rule, if you know you acted legally and within the law then you cooperate.
I would like to throw my 2 cents in on this topic, first I consider myself a law abiding biker, I am retired Army, former Oklahoma police officer and currently work full time for the DoD; with all that being in recent years I have had and heard of a few incidents with IOMC. 1. A member of another local club was having beers at a bar (this guy is old and missing a leg from an accident ) 3-4 IOMC members started giving him a hard time until late he called his brothers and they showed up the instigators tucked tail and ran; 2. I was at a bar with my friend and a guy I knew was an associate of a a shady motorcycle shop owner ( who i previously had a legal problem with) walked in, saw me there, next thing I see walking in were 4 IOMC guys to join the aforementioned guy and all 4 were flashing their guns on their belt in my direction. Once I let them know that I too was armed they backed off. 3. There is a non-bike event held in town and the event organizors bring the IOMC in as ‘security’ they are always walking around attempting to intimidate people. These are the types of stories I have heard from other people too. Now to be fair the issues i have seen or heard about with the IOMC may just be the local chapter. But honestly per your article it doesnt sound like it. I have also had some experience around the Mongols MC and it has been the exact opposite, they were respectful to everyone around. I was also at the event in Denver and saw a bit of it. From what I witnessed the IOMC most likely instigated the event and realized they were in over their heads. Now as for you stating they are just a regular guy club, if that’s the case they should have took the issue outside, this is also true of the Mongols MC, the issue should not have escalated in that venue. Both of the clubs involved should have known better to start to rumble inside the event. The event is now in jeopardy. There were non-club people, women and children present. Now that it’s all over the news it makes all people that ride look bad.
Thaks for weighing in Cecil & much respect for doing so. Glad you aren’t stereo-typing the entire Iron Order MC or any club for that matter. Not having any personal knowledge of your stated events with the Iron Order, it’s clear there are bad apples in every organization at some point. With that said, I’m sure you’re waiting for the actual evidence to come forth like we are. From your LEO experience, we both know that each witness will bring forth a slightly different perspective to what actually happened. I too have had no problems with Mongols or Iron Order. But it’s clear that there are definitive court records and numerous arrests of Mongols for instigating and committing many serious crimes over a long period of time. Mongols are serving prison terms for such crimes. I simply could not find that same definitive evidence with the Iron Order MC at this point. And everyone that talks about the Iron Order negatively cannot provide me with any actual evidence, but only opinions. Trust me, I have searched and asked many times for actual evidence……crickets from those that we ask for actual evidence/proof. Ride Safe and God Bless Cecil.
You are correct on the issues with Mongols, they are a large source of criminal activity. As I told a buddy of mine, with regards to the clubs involved…I keep a wary eye on both of them when they are around, especially if both are in the same place. It was just a matter of time before something blew up between them. It just sucks it happened at the expo.
Cecil. I can say this. What happened to that guy and urself is a shame. And in my personal opinion I feel terrible for what happened at the bike show. But if I tried to ever pay a respect. I’d be called a pussy… However, with regards to your situation, not knowing the details I’m not going to jump to conclusions. I’ve seen many many many “staged photos” with men wearing IOMC cuts that were wrongfully duplicated And performing stupid acts. These people can wear these cuts in random establishments to make IOMC look stupid or make others have a bad perception??? If u ever see IOMC members acting in that way again. Please use ur phone snap a pic with face and front of his cut. Contact your local IOMC charter
(ironordermotorcycleclub.com) and pass it along with details. I promise it will be handled. We pride ourselves on NEVER disgracing the IOMC. Thanks for that info.
Roger that and much respect Steve for weighing in on the conversation.
Quite a rant David. I respect it, but we don’t allow comments w/ no evidence to back it. Nor the foul language. That is for unmoderated 1%er blogs. I think you confused bro, I am not associated with the Iron Order or the Mongols. We just report on facts. Ride Safe.
I appreciate your unbiased blog as there is too much gossip and hearsay let the facts come out. For full disclosure I am a Iomc prospect and was hang around for 7 months and I did my due diligence. My opinion is the Iomc are good guys but no one is perfect being human and all we all have our little issues. I had to pass back ground to even apply not sure 1% clubs do that. I wish all a great and safe riding season. Prospect Roy Iomc
Ps: btw jeweler by trade not a cop lol!!
Thank you for taking the time to comment and share your experience. Ride safe to you as well.
Thank you Ryan.
An observation.
I’ve only ever been around the IOMC once. It was an autism awareness run and I spent about two hours in their company afterwards. This particular group went about their business as any group on a run should. They flew their flag from start to end and not a single ill word was spoken between anyone involved. Anyone with half a brain can easily see what the issues are here. The unwritten rules are a joke. The views of the many against this particular MC are no different than the views expressed by older OMG’s against their then upstart rivals. It’s all territorial pissings. My view? Your bike, your club, your rules. Grown men know what’s what.
Well said and thank you for taking time to comment. Ride Safe & Ride Often!