As many of you know by now, I am a18 year veteran Law Enforcement Officer (LEO) in Washington State. One of my assignments is as a Formal Training Officer (FTO). If you are not familair with what an FTO is then let me explain. An FTO trains and evaluates brand new hired police officers for determined periods of time until they are allowed and ready to be releaed on their own.
The Revised Code of Washington (RCW) is the large book of laws that Washington State has created that citizens are to abide by.
I learned about an iPhone app created by Tekk Innovations LLC that makes it extremely easy to access, find, and search the laws in the State of Washington (Revised Code of Washington). Tekk Innovations LLC also has similar apps for many other states.
The RCW app is smooth and very helpful. I have been using it for about 8 months now. The user interface is […]very nice and easy to learn. You can make folders and name them for different sections of laws. You can bookmark particular laws and then put them in the folders, so they can be easily found later. This has been very useful to new officers I am training, as they are still learning the laws. You don’t need cell service or WiFi to use the app, so that is very nice. So, in usability and functionality I give it 5 stars!
However, I must say that the price at $29.99 is a little steep for most law enforcement officers. I certainly don’t know the costs in developing this app or anything behind the scenes at Tekk Innovations LLC, but I’m just saying that price is a little hard to swallow. Although, I think all law enforcement officers should have the app, I believe many will find alternatives because of the price. I certainly know that departments likely won't purchase the app for officers at that price.
My department issues iPhones exclusively to specially assigned officers and I know the app would be beneficial. Maybe if Tekk Innovations LLC came up with a package deal for police departments to put the app on all their iPhones then they would bite off on it.
As far as price of the app goes, I must give it 2 stars.
Bro, just wanted to say I’m sorry about what’s happening up there right now. Keep the faith.
Thanks bro