This is the saddlebag cooler or “kooler” from Rickrak. It's a great way to store all your favorite snacks and beverages right in your motorcycle saddlebag! And keep them cool! It fits inside any Harley-Davidson, Indian, Honda Goldwing or any other standard motorcycle saddlebags. I tested the quality of this saddlebag cooler and it met my demands.
Most importantly, I put some beer and ice in it to see its true capacity. I fit a 12 pack of bottles with an entire bag of ice. Certainly, if you packed cans inside you could fit more, maybe even up to 24, depending on how much ice you put inside. If you wanted to leave the saddlebag cooler in your saddlebag even without beverages, you could certainly stuff other items such as shirts, coats, hats, etc. and use it as a travel bag of sorts.
The saddlebag cooler for Harley and other motorcycles is good quality and will last you a long time. You'll be the coolest guy at any get-together! Heck, who rides in with cold drinks in their motorcycle saddlebag? Now, you do!
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