Harley Bronx Streetfighter
So, with plummeting sales and COVID-19, new Harley CEO Jochen Zeitz has been making some major changes within the company. Zeitz recently said, “a total rewire is necessary to make Harley-Davidson a high-performance company.” (see video below)
Harley-Davidson recently announced they will not be releasing the Bronx Streetfighter as promised later this year. Remember, this was the street racer style bike that was supposed to have the new liquid-cooled Revolution Max engine with 117 HP and 70 pound-foot of torque. Harley says the Streetfighter won't release next year either and won't comment on whether the Streetfighter will ever be released at this point.

Harley Pan America Adventure Touring
Harley says its immediate new product focus in 2021 will be on the launch of the Pan America, Harley's first Adventure Touring motorcycle and I’m actually very curious about this bike, as I also love adventure riding. But, I’ve said it before; If this bike is overpriced like the Livewire was when it was released, it will likely be a flop.
Many also speculate that the Street 500 and 750 models may also be at risk of being axed after dealers reported not being given the lightweight models following poor sales performance. However, Harley will not actually comment regarding the status of other models.
For those of you wondering-yes the new high-Performance Custom Model is still planned for 2021 and still listed on Harley’s website.

Harley High-Performance Custom Model
Harley continues to struggle here in 2020 and there are reports that 50 dealerships have closed or are in the process of closing and that “significantly more” will shut their doors this year. In July Harley announced a five-year strategic plan after the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in a $92 million loss in the three months through June, with motorcycle sales plummeting 27%. This new overhaul includes vast changes to Harley’s operating model, updated motorcycles, newproducts, and a focus on accessories and general merchandise.
Further, the company will focus on 50 key markets, mostly in North America and Europe, and is working on plans to exit areas that are unprofitable. All these changes are projected to save the company $250 million this year and $100 million annually thereafter.
Harley also says a new marketing campaign focusing on the “unrelenting spirit” of Harley will include a collaboration with actor Jason Momoa.
If anything , I would by an Indian due to the fact some Hollywood pinhead is the new face of Harley.
I’m 72 years old and have been riding , buying , and working on Harleys for 50 years . The “new age” marketing and price gouging has caught up with them.
They are to dam expensive
Release the Bronx Street Rider, but the price of $15,000 is $4,000 to high. I agree the marketing techniques are outdated. I would not be influenced by a Hollywood Actor endorsement.
ABSOLUTELY CORRECT. Harley caters to soy boy wanna-be’s.
You are absolutely correct. They have chased away there all important loyal and repeat customers. I have been riding all my life and owned at least seven new Harleys. I will never buy another new one.
So sad that Harley has chosen to place profits over everything. They have raped their faithful customer for years. Stealer-ships over charge for services provided. Buy a new Harley and after a thousand miles the dealer tells you that you have to bring you new shinny toy back for a complete check over and service. After you have spent your hard earned money on a new bike, they charge you another $300+ to check for loose nuts and bolts. You get your first oil change during this so to speak 1000 mile checkup. If you deny their required 1000 mile $300+ check up, they threaten that your warrantee will be voided! I have always had used harley’s until my last bike I purchased new. Never again, like many lifelong Harley owners (I’m 62 years young) I am going to be looking at Indian real hard. I have never been so disappointed in a manufacture in my life as I have by Harley the past few years. Dealers are take it or leave it mentality. I am mechanically inclined and do my own work. I don’t need stealer-ships to help me. I’m clearly as good as about any Harley mechanic? I was able to put a set of 12” ape hangers on my bike in a little over an hour. Stealer-ship told me it would take 4 hours and $800 to put apes on my ride. Told them that was not going to happen and changed them myself for $250 and a couple hours of my time including running for the parts.
Good riddens Harley, you ain’t getting no mo of my money!
A Hollywood actor? To influence my decision? No! Ryan like you said, who cares! And prices? Need to come down, I’m in the market for another Harley, but not new. Can’t afford those prices. Great information, keep it up, good job.
Keep the rubber side down!
Change is a good thing… and you can start with MADE IN AMERICA merchandise! Hardly anything in the retail dealerships is AMERICAN MADE! You are selling out your CUSTOMERS! We want jobs to remain here!!
I’ve been riding various bikes for over 50 years and on my 5th Harley. All bought used.
Actors mean nothing to me or anybody I know. How about work on revamping the HOG chapters that are going away. In part due to HD Corp and dealers have forgotten that the HOG groups are what made Harley great.
I could care less about a Hollywood actor, in purchase of a motorcycle, Harley or any other model. I feel Harley is just pricing their self out of the market of getting new riders. I did not agree with the livewire model. My local dealer has three and they have had no one show interest in buying. I own 2018 Road King Special and this is my third road king. I love this model but every year price goes up.
Electric Bike is a cool idea but changing to electric AND making a crotch rocket was too far too soon. Electric bike should have been something like a fat boy and put a motor where the engine is. Put some medium high bars on it from the factory and make sure the range was over 200miles. Would have sold them as fast as they could be made.
Great Video Ryan, First i hope that this doesn’t rub people the wrong way, But after paying the Harley Tax for over 22 Years and waiting for Them to develop technology that was useful to us the rider and consumer i made the move back to the new Honda Goldwing DCT. I absolutely loved my 2017 Harley Road Glide special and will probably buy another one day.
The Goldwing has all of the features that I wished the Harley had come standard. Another great feature is the ease and the much lower cost of maintaining the bike. Please understand I am also a little older, 63 and having features like a reverse and forward walking make getting the bike into tight parking spaces a breeze. I can only Hope that Harley Davidson will wake up and smell the coffee, its time to develop something new as the Younger crowd is going to demand it. I think that the Street Fighter was a step in the right Direction But apparently Harley didn’t think so
What Harley needs to do is go back lower their prices, from maintenance to price of bike. I understand the price of goods goes up a bit each year, but geez my local Harley shop has used bikes for almost the same as you can get a new one for. It just amazes me how a company like harley keeps making different bikes to bring out every year and they are losing money. Price the bikes they have so the middle man can afford them.
I always felt that there were too many dealers and too many models which kept the cost of manufacturing high, prices high and the percentage of market share low for the dealer. Just saying as a customer. I have no skin in this game.
I bought my first Harley in 1970. A 1961 Panhead. I have owned many Shovels after that and bought a 1993 Evo Electraglide in 2001 wich I still ride. I am 70 and Dont need an actor to represent Harley. Maybe Harley management doesn’t understand why we ride Harley.
Harley is sooooo overpriced! I rode to Sturgis this year with my 2018 Ultra Limited Anniversary Edition bike with a Stage IV upgrade. Loved that bike. BUT I had over $34,000 into it. Amazing! And the CVO version was up near $45,000. At Sturgis I rode a 2020 Indian Roadmaster and fell in love. For $32,000 it offered FAR MORE than a CVO Harley. That’s $13,000 less…for more power, a much better suspension with more travel, 3 ride modes and an electric windshield. And it is beautiful. I have been a diehard Harley rider since 2005, but no more. I still think that the M8 is a great bike and my local Harley dealer is first class. It’s just the pricing has spiraled out of control. The Roadmaster is a CVO on steroids for a ton less money. One last thing…..in Harley’s favor….is that there are not yet a lot of Indian dealers. I am hoping that will be remedied.
They aren’t helping themselves with thier pricing. I can get a indian better equipped for cheaper. Then once the dealerships sell you the bike they don’t give a shit about the customer
Oh my! That sad, dejected, forlorn, confused facial expression is true. What is Harley Davidson doing?
And how can I get my daughter out on her 2020 Street Bob more often without begging her to go riding.
The Company, like so many others companies, prior to ever hearing the term COVID-19, was already in turmoil trying to figure out a way to survive and transition through multiple generations that could not be more diverse. Sometimes I feel we maybe need to give all the Harley execs, marketing gurus, and strategists a little more slack. I’m a 69-yr-old enthusiast, so I’m younger than some and much older than many who are contemplating the market for a new motorcycle, and whenever I see new models, Hollywood actors, or generation-specific targeted advertising, my first reaction is never, “What about me? I’ve been around a long time, have you forgotten me?” I drive a great F-150 pickup, and when they first announced the electric Mustang, I didn’t feel abandoned, nor did it every cross my mind that they might stop making F-150’s. Personally, while you could never rip the FOB to my Roadglide out of my hand, I think that new Custom about to come out is drop-dead killer, and I wish I could get one.
This ridiculous Covid cold has killed a lot of good businesses, and I believe Harley will get through it just like the rest of the country, my opinion and I’m an older Harley rider change their trucks somehow to total independent suspension and they will sell Thank you
I sent a comment earlier and meant to say Trikes not Trucks .
Is it possible HD knew of an inherent flaw in the Bronx Streetfighter that would do more damage to their name a year or so after its release?
Also the marketing team may be off base using a Hollywood actor but the problem they have seems almost insurmountable due to a major cultural shift within the younger generations. If there are solutions or at least suggestions for HD marketing team, I don’t ever hear them or have I seen anything in print.
Its about time every Harley enthusiast started realizing how much they have been ripped off by Harley ,first of all buy a bike ,and before even leaving the shop you need to change the exhaust pipes and add a passenger backrest and luggage rest and order other parts for stage 2 upgrades, so these are all hidden cost besides the huge amount you just paid for a new bike and not after long you bring the bike in to your stealership for the 1000k oil change that alone cost about $400 NZ. Harley Davidson has not come up with any modern upgrades for decades besides bringing in the M8 motor ,people find it cheaper to spend on other brand of bikes which are much lighter ,have more features and much more power compared to almost a half tonne Harley
Why not drop the Pan America project and go on with the Bronx bike. The Pan America is UGLY, and the Bronx will do good in Europe.
Got a link to this vid from a friend. Never heard of you (but then, I SUPPOSE you’ve never heard of me, either – so we’re even). Anyway, very interesting. I will be subscribing to your YT channel and NO, I sure don’t give a hirsute rodent’s rectum about Hollywood’s snowflake play-actors so you were ON POINT on that.
Prices for new bikes and parts will have to come down to draw in new and continued customers. Am looking at purchasing a new trike as i am getting older, but 35-40k? Probably not.
I hear ya on new trike prices. I was shopping for one and no way could I justify $40k for a new machine. I finally settled on a 2017 model with super low mileage and a decent price.
Well, they sure need to do something radical, and fast. The article has a pic of the new Harley High-Performance Custom Model, and it’s got a single front disc… High Performance with a single disc…. really?? Harley needs to get its act together if it wants to be taken seriously.
Hollywood actors meant nothing to me when I bought my first Harley-Davidson !
What made my mind up was when I was 5 years old and my uncle gave me a ride on his Panhead. I was hooked from that day on. I’d be more impressed by someone who had to scrimp and save to buy their first Harley like most of us real bikers !!!
Lower your prices bring back some parts of your having made in the Philippines and make them here in the United States you idiots
I would not purchace any product by influence of any high profile person. For myself it is devalueing the product. If the product doesn’t sell it’s self then the goal should be fix the product. My general thoughts for any product. More specifically I think Harley needs to get the merch prices under control as they are insanely high and many if not most people have gone to the aftermarket for gear and accessories with significant savings. I personally would rather save money purchacing gear other than Harley gear to have more money for roads trips.
The collateral damage of the pandemic has been felt across the board and I hope the Motor Co.’s plan works. “Downsizing” is happening all around us and of course a luxury brand like HD is not immune. I’m looking forward to the PanAmerican and would love to purchase one down the road. About HD being pricey? Yes they are and i couldn’t afford my own until I was 50, (before that it was used metrics) but HD a “bad-ass” luxury brand and well…they cost.. (just check out a Mercedes dealership.. not much cheap inventory there either.) Let’s all hope the Motor Co is with us for a long time and that all them younger riders out there will one day realize what we already know.. that riding an HD is like nothing else.
Keeping my knees to the breeze!
Btw ..Thanks for the read Ryan
It’s probably too late as Harley has already signed him, the snow ❄️, on but rather than use a Hollywood overpriced rep why not use the face of a veteran or leo? Would cost a lot less, be much more impressive and heck, the guy could surely use the cash. Maybe to buy a scoot.
I’m a HD rider from Canada. Been riding for 51 yrs .
Do we all remember when the jap bike companies were trying to imitate the legendary HD.?
Harley has been wasting money on imitating the jap crotch rockets . Give it up . Stick to the good ol’ traditional models . That’s why we ride Harleys .
They could lower the prices though .
A second hand Porsche is cheaper than a new Harley😳.
Cheers from BC ..
We had a great summer for riding up here but I miss my rides in the USA. Hope all this crap goes away before next season.
I’ve owned & ridden Harley’s since the early 70’s and ride a modified 2020 Street Glide now. It will be the last Harley for me. Their failure to provide customer support is the first death nail. The next is that Harley is trying to be all things to all buyers. They have no market strategy. It’s a shotgun approach to marketing. If you throw enough shit on the wall, some of it might stick. That works for well funded companies like Honda & Suzuki, but Harley has no funds left to play that game. They need to focus on a small handful of bikes and dump the remaining lineup. And that includes that joke of a bike, the Livewire?? What they need to do is focus on new technologies on a small lineup of bikes that will keep them up to speed or outpace the competition. But they’re too ignorant & arrogant to do that. They’d rather put the face of Hollywood on their rides. Hollywood is nothing but a bunch of washed up losers, has-beens, drug addicts and alcoholics. I guess that’s a good reason to buy a Harley, LOL! Love you guys!! MAGA!!!
Riding Harleys since 1978. Lots of changes over the years. Some good, some bad, most with elements of both. Personally I currently ride a hopped up 2019 Electra Glide Standard. Pan American, not for me. I see the Bronx making more sense to bring in younger riders. Price point does matter.
Harley has realized for sometime they have a shrinking market. Those of us
(Harley enthusiasts over 60 are not going to be buying very many new bikes in the future) are not who they are going to go after.
Look at all their advertising. When the last time you saw someone who looks like us on one of their bikes?
However, their strategy hasn’t been working. I’m surprised they’ve lasted this long and they still have a following. Who buys $40 t shirts anymore. I personally find it insulting the way almost everything they have is completely overpriced. For an image that is fading rapidly in the sunset.
If Harley is to survive it will need to completely create a new image to appeal to the younger and overseas generation.
We will soon be a part of the history books. Or, perhaps a small section in the Harley museum next to Elvis.
i am 64 years old and bought my first Harley when i was 18 and have never owned anything but Harley’s,
they need to focus on there older loyal riders who have kept them in business even during the AMF years, $35-$40 for a T Shirt…. come on. i just bought a new DOT approved helmet on line for $100 Harley wanted almost $300.. are you kidding and like Rayn says i would NOT buy a bike because of a Hollywood actor, dont waste your money on actors Harley! get back to basics Great product good price and Great service and the rest will take care of it self. young riders cant afford a Harley so make a bike that is in there price range that the kids would want to ride and be proud of.
HD is still overpriced for what it delivers after alllll these years, and they really need to fix that. Indian is now becoming the cruiser of choice with a lot of people, and HD should be taking notice. I also notice that Indian is getting the under-50 crowd.
I’m seeing more women, and a more diverse audience seeing HD as an old white man’s relic, and going to the local dealer does little to dispel that impression most of the time. When you can still hear Lynrd Skynrd played over the speakers in the showroom, it’s well past time to take another look at what passes for “living free” that’s closer to this millenium than the past one.
As for Jason Momoa, he wouldn’t influence my motorcycle-buying needs, but I’m not the demographic HD’s trying to hit, either. I’m amused by the comments on this page from old dudes who think Momoa is trying to influence them instead of young’uns that don’t have as much gray hair!
Which leads to my last point: I hope the Streetfighter comes back, as I think that’s a more sensible direction HD should be going in than the adventure bike that looks like the worst AMF years resurrected. But again, the pricepoint has to match the market. HD needs to stop being a toy and start thinking as a needed asset.
Harley is out of step with their market. Old technology – their bikes are outdated before they are sold. I rode the V-Rod a great bike – why didn’t they take that engine and put it into the Dyna line or even into a road king with that engine ? The bad boy image that worked for a long time is over. And prices are out of line… I could go on but …. sad …
I would love to trade my 2015 Street Glide Special in for a 2019-2020 Roadglide Special but that price got me like….”NEVER””
Here’s a thought. Dump Mimosa and do some advertising with the folks who actually build the bikes. Those folks put their heart and soul into the bikes and they look like real people that new customers (young people) can identify with or aspire to. I dig the ads that show the people building American Cars and Trucks. Humanizes them.
As to price, hey man living in America ain’t cheap. Ever notice that low price “American” cars are made overseas. I don’t want to pay an American $2/hr. I want that American to make quality stuff, earn a fair living, and have some benefits. Also, take a look at executive compensation. That’s where I bet 2K to 3K of the price comes from. Pay employees well and take care of them. They’ll build great bikes. Pay executives fair but not exorbitant salaries. Those only in it for buck will bail and the Harley Hardcore will be left. And guess what? That’s who you want working for you.
Harley really lost us when we bought my wife a Switchback and it vibrated so badly your hands tingled on the handlebars and you could not see in the mirrors because they shook so bad. Harley offered sympathetic noises about fixing it, but never did. It was clearly a design flaw in ALL the Switchbacks and Harley did not stand behind it. We were in our mid 60’s when this happened and like quite a few other riders, don’t have too many years left to ride, especially with two wheels. You better believe our three wheeled bikes will NOT be a Harley. My first bike was 1947 WL (45 ci) bought in 1962 and thru the past 52 years it was all Harleys. It’s a shame Harley doesn’t care about customer satisfaction.
Remember when we all had and wanted Craftsman tools?
What happened? Over priced and falling quality, now Sears is out of business. They handed their flagship brand (Craftsman Tools) over to another sinking ship, KMart.
Now you can buy Chinese made Craftsman tools at Lowe’s
Harley, don’t go that way. At some point you either have nothing to offer a new demographic, or you abandon your current customer base. You better figure this out. WE (current Harley fans) want you to succeed – so do it, and get it right!
As you have said Harley Davidson has the best dealership network, A built-in core, and culture that they have simply turned their back to.
The marketing does nothing to promote or entice younger riders to switch over. Granted they as time goes by start to afford but all so they begin
To appreciate the bigger bikes for riding the culture. I just think if their marketing would use that and listen to dealerships and H.O.G. more would come over to it.
Does anyone on the board of directors of Harley even ride???
I have another issue with the Motor Company, There warranty service is not worth the paper it’s written on. My 2017 baggage spit out the ACR with 34,000 miles, so it’s past the 2 year warranty, I have installed the Vance and Hines tuner and now they bring up the fact I haven’t had HD do all the 5K services that they will not even help me with the cost of replacing the rear head ($1,200). The theards pulled out it’s clearly a defect, I say, the service manager says, the mechanic says and HD even said as much. It’s past the 2 year warranty so it’s not our problem, that’s the new Motor Company! They wouldn’t stand behind there products so let them stand in the unemployment line!
Let me run the MoCo!
One reason I bought a 2020 Limited was because it offered the Connect Service. HD decided to remove it 8 months after my purchase although they said 1st year free. I sent them an email asking why. Received this from HD Customer Service.
Thank you for your feedback. We appreciate that you found value in the H-D Connect Service. We also thought it would be a popular feature. Unfortunately, the subscription rates were very low, even with the first year being offered for free. We had to make the business decision to end the service for Touring models. Our terms and conditions state Harley-Davidson reserve the right without prior notice to discontinue models, parts and accessories, and other items or change specifications at any time without incurring any obligations.
Thank you,
Mobile App Support Team
Harley-Davidson Motor Company
HD is discontinuing a lot. Models, parts and accessories and other items, i.e. Apple Car Play. My response:
I shared in an earlier email that there is a huge wave of HD owners bad mouthing Harley due to moves like this and others. And all you reply is “Our terms and conditions state Harley-Davidson reserve the right without prior notice to discontinue models, parts and accessories, and other items or change specifications at any time without incurring any obligations.” I agree. Especially the obligation to sell motorcycles and respect customer loyalty. Do the wizards making these decisions think their marketing budget will be enough to offset riders actually speaking with others? How’s the sales going lately? Here’s one posting.
Harley said Tuesday that retail sales volumes dropped 4.3% last year from 2018. Motorcycle sales in the U.S., Harley’s biggest market, fell 5.2% in 2019, the fifth straight annual decline. Shares fell 4.3% to $33.37 after fourth-quarter revenue and adjusted profit fell short of expectations as well. Jan 28, 2020.
And: https://www.facebook.com/lawabidingbiker/videos/933099140535146/
Wonder why? Word of mouth is stronger than any marketing. Individual dealerships are the ones who get hurt. I can attest that mine is awesome. But corporate’s decisions is driving me away. When the local dealers start standing up to HD upper management, maybe HD will listen.
Harley has long been playing on their brand name and a lot of old school followers. I bought my first Harley years ago and still ride one now,I am 79. In the years I have been riding Harley has steadily priced its self out of the market. I my opinion metric bikes have come a long way on improvements to ride and performance stock amenities and the prices are reasonable for the amount of bike you get. Harley on the other hand has done just the opposite. They do not offer the same amount of bike as the metrics service is overpriced and the warranties have been lessened. Add on prices clothing or anything associated with the name Harley Davidson are way too pricey for the quality offered.
They need to remember where and how they came to be and get back to that foundation.
I’d say 90% of new riders don’t have brand loyalty. Now people are sticking to buying things by reviews and stats. People research for weeks before spending their hard earned dime. If a kawasaki or others has better performance all around and the price is cheaper thats the way they go. Sorry harley but your technology has to get better your cruisers have to make more power and get lighter and the price will have to drop. Brand loyalty is a thing of the past kinda like Harleys are made in America is a thing of the past. Its a competitive market and people realize this now. No rider looks down on others because they don’t ride a Harley anymore. Harley riders are realizing some of these other bikes are nice and out preform and they guys spent a lot less. We are starting to realize we are the suckers. Gotta get better and cheaper. Hope they figure this out. I’ll probably be ditching harley for a BMW my next bike go around.
I can’t add to all of these great comments. I 100% agree that Harley has priced itself out of the market with outdated product.
What’s really sad is that Harley and its dealer network is too arrogant to even read comments like the long list of comments posted here. They are out of touch with arrogance.
Even if Harley came out with new, cool, modern bikes, the poisoned mindset of the dealer network would be the failure point. Remember Buell? Ahead of their time but the dealers hated them and never changed their mindset to be able to sell them properly. People wanted Buells but when they went to the dealership to look at them they were totally turned off by the dealer attitude.
I have been riding since 1966. I have worked in a couple custom bike shops. Been married (off and on) for over 30 years. Raised two very successful children. And my only grandson is now 21 and has made his grandpa very proud. I still have a few Harleys in my garage. Keep them on the road a bit. But, I have not been lured into buying a new Harley for a few years now. They just ain’t made for American Harley Riders. I own a few shares in H-D stock. Not many. But, I have owned them for years, just as I have owned their bikes for years. I wish someone could arrange a real-life meeting for all us “uninformed” stock holders. Maybe we could get the factory “big shots” to talk to us. They might be shocked to find what these guys know. That is where they could find the answers to their business problems. Us uneducated Harley riders might have the ideas to enable them to save their (our) motorcycles.
Why did you get rid of the vrod? The A model 50% of the buyers were women, when you changed it to the muscle women stopped buying it. Bring back the A model with standard bags and women will buy it! I love my 2005 Screaming Eagle!
A Hollywood actor, slim fit clothing and electric bike. Wake up HD and take off the rose-colored glasses. Are you not looking closely at your loyal customer base.
Since so many seem interested in Harley Davidson Catering to the bikers that helped make them a success, Maybe you should all stop getting old and dying. Face it we are
, at least a lot of us are on the last bike we intend to buy. Unless you’re one of those new bike every two year types. Bottom line if any company is to succeed they need to appeal to the new young buyers. Granted most new young buyers can’t afford their pricing but that is another argument
Something I have notice on almost every post here. They are older riders who were loyal but no longer. Harley has priced them selves out of the market. The older models are way sexier and more ridable. I utilize a local motor company who told Harley to take their sponsorship and shove it. I believe it was the best thing they could have done.
Now I rode an 02 Deuce which I love and have made my own. I have changed the cam set up (another mistake by Harley) & changed the pipes and bars. I love my Deuce. Harley has gone the way of the radicals in the country today and the engineers have priced themselves and their bikes out of the spectrum. I will continue to sponsor my local motor company as they are awesome people and know their business. Harley better wake up and get with the program otherwise they will go the way of the dinosaurs.
Only left to say is if your out there riding I will give a wave, but a new bike ………..not for me.